Monday, October 31, 2011


I have been a bit sporadic about training, but last week decided to really get serious. I did run several times in Nicaragua and last Friday the 28th, before going to the airport, I jogged up a steep hill covered by wonderful tropical vegetation with a temperature of about 90 degrees and a great view of Lake Managua. I awoke in DC Saturday the 29th determined to run again, but it was 32 degrees and snowing hard! Wow, what a difference! I opted out on Saturday, but did run in Rock Creek Park on Sunday on a cold but sunny day---only three weeks to go! On Monday the 31st in the early morning I ran again in Rock Creek and at the end ran into five deer; two inside the perimeter fence of the National Zoo and three just off the running path. They barely acknowledged my presence and went on grazing.

I want to welcome more runners! Mike McQuaid, athletic director of Edmund Burke High School (Brian's alma mater) and Emory Bright, actor/lawyer extraodinaire (and father of Julian).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Patrick's Race 4 OYE

Dear Friends and Family,

Oye is now six years old and has been a big part of our life. It has grown from just a few scholarship students the first year to 60 last year and now 90 this year. This year has been a challenge to support the growth. Don't Panic is a 5K race to support injured fire fighters in Maryland and I will support them with my registration fee. However, I am panicked about the ability of OYE to be able to support the same number or more of the students next year. So far our grant applications have not been answered and so we are stepping up the personal fund raising. I know the tremendous impact OYE has on the youth of El Progreso and am more than happy to run in the cold for them. I will be recruiting others to run for OYE as well. My son Brian on the left in the picture below and John Keleher (picture in the middle from a previous run) who volunteered at OYE in its early days will be joining me in the race and in the collection of funds for OYE. Joe Eldridge, the chaplain of American University who has led AU students to OYE during their breaks is also running with us. We should have some students from George Washington University running with us as well. I hope you can help out.

Check into this blog as we will be updating as we go along.

all the best,



Todos Somos OYE / We Are All OYE

What I'm Running For...

Patrick is raising money for the Organization for Youth Empowerment (OYE), to benefit at-risk youth in Honduras. OYE is a small, grassroots organization that develops young people's self-esteem and leadership skills that his daughter Ana helped found six years ago in El Progreso. OYE provides scholarships and capacity building programs to students who would not otherwise have the means to stay in school. Through OYE's programs, these youth gain the tools they need to become active leaders in their communities. OYE relies on individual contributions from friends and family like you to make our work possible. Learn more about OYE on our website

You can help Patrick reach his goal of raising $4,000 for OYE by sponsoring his run in the Don't Panic 5K in Silver Spring, Maryland, through the Chipin widget on the sidebar - it's fast and totally secure. You will be redirected to OYE's PayPal page where you can make a secure credit card donation directly to OYE. Thank you!